Renter FAQs
Prospective Renter FAQ’s
How Do I Apply for a Home?
当你找到一个你想申请的房子时,一定要确定 you take note of the street address and then click here to apply online. -
What are the fees?
没有预付的费用给你的信息或显示房屋给你. 一旦你决定要租我们的房子,你就要交45美元的申请费, 如果你带宠物,每只宠物可能要交25美元的宠物检查费. -
Where are homes available?
我们的房屋遍布大堪萨斯城地铁,重点是出租房屋 Johnson County. This gives you plenty of options. Whether you are looking for a 无论你是住在郊区还是城市,闲和庄公司都会为你提供服务. Our 与堪萨斯城地区许多大公司的闲和庄提供了稳定的收入 整个地区的行政级别住宅供应.
The Kansas City area can be confusing. The Greater Kansas City area includes 2 states (Kansas and Missouri) and about 7 counties. 我们在欧弗兰公园,莱内萨,利伍德, 奥拉西,肖尼,肖尼使命,球道,观澜湖,李的顶峰,布鲁克赛德,堪萨斯城 and more. We specialize in Johnson County rental homes.
What is the price range of your homes?
我们的住宅和联排别墅的价格从每月900美元到5000美元不等. -
What is the typical length of lease?
我们大部分的租期都是一年或更长. If you are 如果您想找不到一年的工作,请打电话给我们讨论您的选择. -
Are your houses pet friendly?
Most of our houses are pet friendly. 狗和猫将根据爪子得分(基于宠物筛选)每月收取宠物费, gerbils Guinea pigs, reptiles and ferrets the monthly pet fee is $15. 小型鸟类每月10美元,大型鸟类每月25美元. 鱼缸每10加仑每月10美元,最大容量为50加仑. Farm/exotic pets & 超过50加仑的鱼缸将根据具体情况而定. 租用时,每只宠物或每只笼子须缴付一次性不可退还的宠物费$150. 我们保留限制宠物数量的权利. 成年犬的体重必须在100磅以下. Dogs and cats must be a minimum of 12 months old.
主人保留拒绝任何狗的权利,所以在申请之前和你的租赁代理谈谈. There may be a limit to the number of pets allowed.
How long will it take to process my application?
There are two steps in the application process. The first step is 在线申请,允许我们核实背景,租赁历史和信用. This 通常不超过一个工作日就能看到结果. The second step is the signing of the lease offer. 为了加快这一过程,我们使用在线电子签名解决方案! -
What can I do to expedite the application process?
Make sure you have completed the online application.
提供两个最近的工资存根或纳税申报单,每个成年人将 occupying the home.
Contact your leasing agent to discuss the details for 您的租赁报价,包括入住日期,租赁期限,是否有宠物,等等.
Who is responsible for the utilities?
一般来说,你要为你租的房子的水电费负责. 有关任何公用事业或其他费用,请参阅个别房屋清单中的详细信息 amenities that may be provided. -
How much is the security deposit?
The security deposit is equal to one months rent. -
What do I need to pay before I move in?
One month of rent, the security deposit, 宠物费和宠物管理费(如适用)以及任何短期租赁费用(如适用), a lease admin fee and a rekey fee. -
Click here for a full list of screening criteria.
What if my credit score is low?
Please refer to our screening criteria. If you still have questions, please contact your leasing agent. -
How many roommates can I have?
我们的任何一所房子都不允许超过两个室友. -
Application Information
- 网上申请时需要信用卡. The application fee is collected when you apply.
- Application fees are non-refundable.
- All lease offers are presented for approval.
- 一旦你在网上申请并被批准,你的申请就可以在任何一个学校有效 homes that we lease.
Should I have Renter's Insurance?
Yes. You should definitely have Renter's Insurance. It is inexpensive, and most 汽车保险公司可以以每月10到15美元的价格将它添加到你现有的保单中. Be sure to visit this site 这篇文章解释了租客保险的好处.
Current Renter FAQ’s
When is my rent due and how is payment accepted?
All rents are due on the first day of the month.
You may pay your rent online for free through your renter portal!
Pay Your Rent Online
Click here to pay your rent online.
租金只有在实际收到或记入贷方时才被视为已支付. We do not accept post dated checks. 我们必须公平和严格的滞纳金,所以请记得使你的 payment in a timely manner. Thank you.
When do late fees apply?
如果在租金到期日未记入租金,承租人应支付 逾期支付月租金的10%作为额外租金. -
Can I get a pet after moving in? Can I watch a friends pet for a few days?
除非事先得到闲和庄处的批准,否则不得携带宠物入内. 这包括暂时收留朋友的宠物. If we discover a pet at your 财产,你将得到14天的“治愈通知”. If the pet is not permanently gone from 该物业在14天内,业主可选择启动驱逐程序. -
What if I need to move out before my lease ends?
承租人必须至少提前30天提供提前终止合同的书面通知 to move-out. 搬离日期也必须在这个时候提供.
提前终止租赁的通知必须与重新出租的费用一起提交 如果你的租约还有一年或更少的剩余时间,你需要支付相当于一个月租金的费用. If there is 续租期超过一年,续租费为租金的十二分之一 租期剩余每个月的月租金.
- 一旦找到新的租客,你必须归还所有的钥匙、车库和大门遥控器.
- 你必须继续按约定每月支付租金,直到经批准的租客的租约生效 他们已经开始并支付了租约开始前所需的所有费用,包括租金 first month of rent and the security deposit.
- 您必须在腾空后继续支付公用事业服务,直到新租户的租约到期 term begins.
- 您必须安排草坪服务、除雪等. after you vacate until a new renter moves in.
- 您的租赁协议的所有其他条款和条件必须继续履行.
Maintenance FAQ’s
烟雾探测器通常安装在天花板或走廊的高处 leading to the bedrooms. 如果感烟探测器不能正常工作,请与我们办公室闲和庄 immediately.
如果烟雾探测器开始发出唧唧声,这意味着电池电量不足. Replace the battery at once. 你的租约规定你必须更换电池.
如果烟雾探测器在没有火灾的情况下发出警报声(如. from cooking) do not remove the battery. 烟雾探测器必须有可以工作的电池 at all times! This is for your own safety.
如果您无法找到家中的烟雾探测器,请立即致电我们的办公室 further instructions.
What maintenance is my responsibility?
请参考您的租约,了解具体的维护责任清单. Some 您需要自费进行的维护示例:
- Replacing light bulbs
- 更换暖通空调过滤器(租户必须至少每三个月更换一次)
- Replacing batteries in alarms and security systems
- 保持污垢和碎片远离加热和冷却装置
- Mowing and watering the lawn
- Weeding
- Maintaining flower beds
- 必要时覆盖护土以保持花坛的外观
- Trimming shrubs on a regular basis
- Removing fallen limbs
- Clearing paved areas and sidewalk of snow and ice
- Disposing of trash and garbage
- 保持物业整洁
To submit a maintenance request online, please click here. You can also email
如有非工作时间紧急维修要求,请致电(913)469-6633,并按照 voice prompts (press 3, then 1.)您将与我们的维修团队成员闲和庄.
- 承租人应通知HRS在物业的维护和维修问题.
- 承租人应立即通知HRS在物业的任何和所有紧急问题 (913) 469-6633.
- 承租人应通知HRS非紧急维护或维修问题的财产 in writing.
- 我们将无法偿还你的任何未经授权的修理.
Moving Out FAQ's
When can I expect to get my deposit back?
在堪萨斯州和密苏里州,房东都有30天的时间归还房屋 存款给你和/或证明存款的费用.
引用自堪萨斯州法律:“b)租赁终止后,业主持有的任何保证金 房东可以申请支付应计租金和损害赔偿金 由于房客不遵守K .的规定,房东受到了损失.S.A. 58-2555, and 对其的修改,以及租赁协议,均由业主以书面形式逐项列出 notice delivered to the tenant. 如业主建议保留任何部分的保证金 押金用于费用、损害赔偿或其他法律允许的收费 租赁协议中,除租金外,房东应退还保证金的余额 deposit 在确定该等费用的金额后十四(14)天内, 损害赔偿或其他费用,但在任何情况下均不超过合同终止后三十(30)天 租赁、管有的交付和承租人的要求. If the tenant does not make such 租约终止后三十(30)天内,房东应将其邮寄 租客最后已知地址的押金的一部分."
密苏里州法:2003年10月改述“在租约结束时,房东有30天的时间 退还保证金,并附上一份详细的损坏清单,其中的任何部分 deposit is kept."
Can I use my deposit as my last month's rent
根据你的租赁协议和房东租客法,你可能不适用你的 security deposit to your last month of rent.
Troubleshooting Problems FAQ’s
My garbage disposal stops working?
垃圾处理机不适用于骨头、油腻的物品、肉类或大量的蔬菜 peelings. If the motor buzzes, turn off the switch. Clear the disposal by turning the blade backwards with a wooden spoon handle. 你可能需要按下底部的复位按钮或者 侧面的处置(这通常是一个小的红色或黄色按钮). If the unit turns easily but not with the power, call HRS for service.
几乎所有的垃圾处理堵塞都是由于使用不当造成的. It is to your advantage to clear it, 而不是要求维修服务,你会被收费.
如果您无法解决问题,请使用此表单提交维护请求 located here.
Most homes are now equipped with GFI switches. These switches are made to interrupt the flow 用于家里可能会有电和水进入的地方 contact with each other. 如果浴室、厨房或车库的插座没有电, 找到复位按钮,弹出并按下它. Sometimes several outlets are "hooked" to one switch. 可能是浴室的插座没有电,只有复位按钮 that is popped out is in the basement.
请在呼叫HRS之前检查所有的重置按钮. If we call out an electrician and all 他们所要做的就是按一个重置按钮,你就会被收取电工的时间费.
如果您无法解决问题,请使用此表单提交维护请求 located here.
My plumbing is backed up or won't drain?
你有责任保持所有水槽和厕所的畅通 free-flowing. 入住5天后,任何损坏或停工均由出租方负责 除非它是由管道系统的机械故障或下水道管道的根部引起的.
如果您无法解决问题,请使用此表单提交维护请求 located here.
If I have an insect (bugs) or rodent problem?
轻微的昆虫问题应该用喷雾剂处理(如Raid)。. This would include ants, spiders, and roaches.
如果虫害问题仍然存在,请使用所找到的表格提交维修请求 here.
What do I do in case of emergency maintenance?
A maintenance emergency is any of the following:
- No heat
- Free flowing water
- No useable toilet in the house
- Unable to secure house
- No hot water
- 没有空调时,外面的夜间温度会保持在80度以上
- Sewer back up
如果发生上述情况,请立即致电(913)469-6633闲和庄HRS. If the emergency is after hours 请按照我们语音信箱系统的指示进行紧急维修 one of our maintenance team members.
What if the problem is urgent but not an emergency?
紧急情况可在正常办公时间内提交. Please do not call the 除上述应急维护FAQ中列出的情况外.
If you have an urgent, non-emergency situation, please submit a maintenance request form.
Examples of urgent maintenance situations are:
- Non-functioning appliance
- Roof leak
- No electricity in one room or area
- 备用水槽(不影响其他水管装置)